The house is very quiet I kind of like it! No one is at home but me it has been a long long time since I have been at home by myself. I had a long list of things that I wanted to blog about today but for the life of me I can't remember what they were. I thought of them as I was drifting off tho dreamland last night. I was going to sleep so of course I didn't get up and write them down, so naturally now I can't remember what they were. It is so frustrating not being able to remember things like I used too. I blame it on motherhood, before I had my son I could remember things from the womb and now I can't remember anything if I don't immediately write it down as soon as it enters my brain.
So since I cant remember what I wanted to talk about this morning, I will talk about this photo that I took yesterday. I love it it is straight out of the camera no alterations no edits. I was very pleased with the way that it turned out. I have been taking lots of pictures of flowers and trees and stuff lately, I think that when I get 12 that I love just like this one I am going to make a calender for next year out of them. So my picture taking will provide a usefulness of sorts. Not that it's not useful now. I am well on my way of having 12 million pictures of my MIL's dog. She is not really a good subject as far as beautiful breath taking pictures, they just turn out funny she always has a strange look on her face. She is very hyper and is always moving so she provides very humorous photos. I will leave you with one. Hope you have a great weekend.
There are no words to describe this picture. It needs a name. Any suggestions?
~Mary B~
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