There is no way to describe just how I feel when he looks at me like that! I fall in love all over again
every time he does!It's that special look that he reserves only for me. I wish that every married couple could have the love that Phillip and I share, it runs deep, he is as much of a part of me as my arm is, when he is not here I don't feel complete, it's as if a part of me is missing. All he has to do is look at me like that and all is right with the world. I love my husband a little more everyday he makes me feel like I can conquer the world. He stands behind me and supports me like no one else in the world, he makes me feel beautiful and tells me I am everyday. He is hard working, he works long hours and there are some days when we don't get to see him at all, but
that's just one of the many reasons that I love this man. He is kind and patient with me when I'm just having one of those days. He is an amazing father, he is good to my momma and he loves me even though some days I'm not sure why..
lol. I think it's my cooking that brings him back...no it's more than that. He is my best friend and oh so much more. I would walk to the end of the earth for this man and I know he would do the same for me. I am gonna go find him now so until the next time!
~Mary B~
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